Couples Therapy Works: [NEW SERIES] Join Figs and a group of Empathi therapists as they discuss the foundation of all human relationships—attachment bonds.
Couples Therapy Works: [NEW SERIES] Join Figs and a group of Empathi therapists as they discuss the foundation of all human relationships—attachment bonds.
Couples Therapy Works is a new series from the Come Here To Me team delving into the complex work of couples therapy from the ground up. Each episode will feature one or more of Empathi’s own counselors as they examine the truths and challenges of relationship repair.
In this episode, Figs and the Empathi team explore the topic of attachment as the pillar on which all relationship systems and behaviors stand. Follow human attachment from the cradle to the grave with Good Enough Parenting, struggling with dependence, enmeshment and codependency, and the two types of pain lovers have the most access to.
Therapists who appear in this episode: Fiachra "Figs" O'Sullivan,
Alissa Gibbins, Max DeFrain, and Raphael Barker.
Parents are typically only fully attuned to their infants emotional needs 20 to 30 percent of the time:
Eventual secure base provision in infants—not moment-to-moment attunement—also need only occur 50% of the time to predict better outcomes:
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